26. What skill is developed when being in a game makes you move fast and quickly.
A. coordination B. agility C. endurance D. flexibility
27. One way to practice safety precaution in playing games is to your muscles to avoid injuries.
A. stretch B. endure C. cover D. exercise 28. Which of the following is a target game? A. sekyo C. bato bata B. basagang palayok D. siato
29. If it is raining, better do the game indoors. You are then considering the
A. attire B. equipment C. health D. weather
30. It is an activity where you move your body in time with the music.
A. Stage play C. Acting B. Dance D. Opera
31. The dancers move like a duck wadding and swimming.
A. Itik-Itik B. Binasuan C. Singkil D. Tinikling
32. Which of the following is NOT a benefit that we get from dancing?
A. Immune system becomes stronger. B. We get to be with our friends even late at night. C. Confidence is developed. D. Balance and posture improve
33. The following are related physical components that are improved in dancing, EXCEPT
A. appreciation B. balance C. coordination D. endurance
34. Which of the following basic body movements in dance is a locomotor?
A. twist B. swing C. walk D. bend
35. How can "Hip-hop Dance" be characterized?
A. It is a form of dance that shows the local culture. a B. It shows the dance indigenous people. C. It is a dance in the provinces of the Philippines, D. It is a street dance characterized by different dance styles. a