
Activity 1. Read the following statements and identify what type of communication style it belongs to Write whether it is * intimate, casual, consultative, and frozen on the space provided.

1. This type is prepared beforehand and there is almost no interaction.

2. This style is used between people who know each other well.

3. In this style, general words and incomplete statements are used to convey casual messages.

4. This style happens when someone is trying to talk to a superior.

5. One example of this style is national and international laws.

6. A communication between a teacher and student applies which style?

7. The question, "Pardon, may I interrupt you for a moment?" belongs to which style?
8. The statement, "Sweetie pie, let's go there, please, please, please belongs to which style?

9. The statement, "Bring that book to me tomorrow, alright?" belongs to which style?

10.This style is formulaic and symbolic.​