
Use the situation below to answer for items no. 12 to 15
Bryan was told that a certain muscle cream was the newest best thing on the market
and claims to double a person’s muscle power when used as part of a muscle building
workout. Interested in this product, he buys the special muscle cream and recruits Troy and
Carlo to help him with an experiment.
Bryan develops a weight-lifting program for Troy and Carlo. He meets with them once
every day for a period of 2 weeks and keeps track of their results. Before each session Troy’s
arms and back are lathered in the muscle cream, while Carlo’s arms and back are lathered
with the regular lotion. Bryan tracked how many times Troy and Carlo can lift the barbells in
a period of two weeks.
12. What is Bryan’s problem?
A. How the Muscle Cream does affect the person’s muscle power?
B. What is the effect of the muscle building workout to the person’s muscle power
C. How the person’s muscle power affects the workout of Troy and Carlo
D.None of the above
13. Which of the following hypothesis is Incorrect?
A. “If they use the Muscle Cream, then the people’s muscle power will be doubled.”
B. The Muscle Cream has no significant effect to the people’s Muscle Power.
Time Troy Carlo
Initial 18 18
After 1 week 28 20
After 2 weeks 45 22
C. The Muscle Cream has a significant effect to the people’s Muscle Power.
D. All of the hypotheses are correct.
14. What is the independent variable in the situation?
A. Weight Lifting Program C. Muscle Power
B. Muscle Cream D. Barbells
15. What is the dependent variable in the situation?
A. Weight Lifting Program C. Muscle Power
B. Muscle Cream D. Barbells