That's the movie showing next street, but so what, Inday, if they call you disgraced because they say you're mother but not a wife? Someone said--- a poet from somewhere---Thay a rose by any name would smell as sweet.
How good it will be to have a child to bring up Who will roll you a plum-leaf cigarette Especially a girl who will rouse you from a bad dream And sing while darning the traces of your sweat And if a boy he will know how to fetch water Slide down the coconut tree and let dance the bamboo pole.
So there, who then is the truly disgraced jThe poor mother who is not a wife Or the wife who has neither child nor huaband
--------- Erlinda K. Albaro----------
1. What is your opinion based on the "Poem""DISGRASYADA" by Erlinda K. Albaro?
Example: In my opinion about the Poem DISGRASYADA is about______________ ________________________________________________________________