D 21. What is the golden role of A. Remember the human person C. Use correc D. Respect people's time. B. Put a smiley in every message С. 22. It believes that humans are not the only significant species on the planet. A. Anthropocentrism B. Panthocentrism C. Biocentrism D. Ecocentrism 23. What type of information should you avoid giving when using the internet? D. religion A. Phone number C. shirt size B. profile picture 24. A science that deals with the relationships between groups of living things and their environment D. Ecocentrism A. Anthropocentrism C. Ecofeminism B. Ecology 25. What type of online threat happens when the attacker impersonates another individual or organization to gather personal or business information? A. Cyberstalking C. Scamming B. Spoofing D. Pharming 26. What is flame in cyberspace? A. A person who follows the rules of Netiquette. B. An expert programmer C. An online chain letter. D. A post or email message that expresses a strong opinion or criticism, 27. What type of online threat happens when an attacker uses electronic devices to do unwanted surveillance against its victim? A. Cyberbullying B. Phising C. Spamming D. Cyberstalking 28. Knowledge and understanding of netiquette is useful because A. It helps you create a positive impression on those you meet in cyberspace. B. It explains some of the technical limitations of online communications. C. It explains the conversations already being used by millions of cybernauts. D. All of the above