
y LEARNINS PHASES AND LEARNING ACTIVITIES 1 tri odus on (Time frame. 15 minutes) Task 1: Tell me INTEGRATION WITH FUMNO? F7PB-d - Naipapaliwanag and Directions Read the statement Anglso Grade 7 chudent at to visit their farm and checked to Identify the five posible nopot one CAUSE EFFECT in agricultural crop production the use of farm tools and equipment plays a vital role in making the work easier and fast However, even if you may have the most sophisticated tools and equipment, but if you do not know how to use them. They are useless. To do crop production operations successfully, you must have a good working knowledge on the tools and equmont before using them. This lesson will cover the knowledge, skills and attitudes required to select and use for tools. Implement and equipment which contributes in making the farm viable and productive. More so this lesson will teach you how to perform preventive maintenance to efficlently use these farm tools and equipment for longer time.​