We can all start reducing waste by not buying products wrapped in a lot of packaging materials,
choosing glass and cardboard over plastic and metal,
using your own shopping bag or basket, and refusing plastic bags at the store,
buying food in larger quantities to reduce the amount of packaging you bring home.
At school
Tons of waste collected in schools every year and it must be stopped by Conducting a Waste Audit. Schedule a week where you track every piece of garbage you produce.
No waste lunches.
Set up a compost.
Use less paper.
Make recycled paper.
Use Reusable Items.
Don't toss it, donate it.
Host a clothing swap.
In home
Every student needs a clean environment to stay in so that studying and doing school works can be more enjoyable. We can reduce waste starting by Changing your mind set. Many of us have had a bad experience with recycling some where along the line, leaving us to think that recycling is hard, a mission or time consuming.
Keep 'em separated. Find a spot in your kitchen for one large bin.
Give it a rinse.
Build an Eco-brick.
Hope it helps