1.what images are found in the poem? give three cite the lines where they appear
2.state the dominant physical sense being used by the poem to create the images you listed in the previous question.
3.examine the images in the poem and determine whether the impression being conveyed by the image is positive or negative
4.the first stanza of the poem showcases the death of magayon as the birth of the volcano.carrying this reasoning through to the second stanza, what is the persona implying with his use of the image of a graveyard?
5.the fourth stanza presents an image of the poem that was viewed differently by two different people-the persona and an unnamed poet or makata-who gave disparate interpretations of the image.defend the choices of both in light of how mount mayon is seen in the poem
6.discuss why the author used a security guard as the final image of the poem.what does this seem to imply about how security personnel are viewed?