
1. This method uses diagram to represent words, ideas, tasks or other items linked to and
atranged radially around a central key word.
2. Is used by dividing the paper in two columns
3. Organizes information into main topic and sub topic through numbers, roman numerals and
4. In what column in the Cornell method is use to enter key or cue words?
5. In what column in the Cornell method is the notes column for recording ideas and facts?
6. It is finding the special details to find specific facts or to answer a question
7. It is reading swiftly or glancing quickly through printed material in search for the main idea
8. It answers the question, "Do I have a lot to read and only a small amount of time?"
9. Extremely helpful in focusing your attention and keeping your place while scanning
10. What kind of vision do we use in scanning the text?​