NAGALIZAIN NAGALIZAIN Science Answered Read the statements inside the box and identify if the following solution are saturated; unsaturated; or supersaturated solutions below.A SOLUTION CONTAINING 200 GRAMS OF SUCROSE (OR TABLE SUGAR) IN 100 ML OF WATER AT 25°C IS A SATURATED SOLUTION.IDENTIFY LANG PO NINYO KONG SATURATED; UNSATURATED; OR SUPERSATURATED .. 1.A solution made by dissolving 200g of the same sugar in 100mL of water at 25°C C._______________________2.An additional 100g of the same sugar was added to the previous solution in 100 mL of water at 25°C______________________3.The saturated solution is heated to 100°C. All of the solutes are dissolved in water_____________4.Cooling down the solution to 25°C and no crystals were formed_________________DAPAT TAMA PO SAGOT NINYO .. THANK YOU