1. Which of the following best describes the main idea of the article
A. Language shapes our realities
B. Language is a powerful tool to communicate ideas.
C. Language varies depending on geographical location
D. There are about 7,000 languages spoken around the world.
2. How did the speaker prove her argument?
a. She showed pictures of her grandfather at different ages.
b. She cited an estimated total number of languages spoken in the world
c. She specifically identified the location of her sample group.
d. She explained her research about a particular Aboriginal community.
3. How did the speaker develop the main idea?
a Narratives
b. Cause and effect
c. Problem-solution
d. Enumeration and examples
4. What kind of arguments did the speaker use in presenting her ideas?
a. Expert opinion
b. Research
c. Testimonial
d. Secondary information
5 Why did the speaker show the picture of her grandfather?
a. to prove that blood related do'nt necessarily speak the same language
b. To point out that her grandfather came from the same lineage of the aborginal community
c. show that concept of differs , depending on the age of person
d. to further explain that people percieve time differently
6. What might be the best reason in using rhetorical question in concluding he speech?
a. To leave a lasting impression
b. To veture her stand
c. to challenge audience to reflect on the topic
d. To please the audience