MADRID Performance Task No. 1 Add the substances in the first and second box and identify what mixture is it and its uses. Example: ORANGE ORANGE JUICE SpƏN "Suิเ UOL JO > USES 1.To satisfy our thirst 2.It gives my body Vit. C WATER WARM WATER Sur SALT w bal spt USES 1. 2. 1. pin PM E SUGAR AND MILK COCOA SOLIDS 2. Milk Chocolate USES 1. it's desserts 2. it can be cake SAND, GRAVEL & WATER CEMENT POWDER USES 1. 2. 3. CONDENSED MILK FRUIT COCKTAIL USES 1. 2. 4. COFFEE POWDER & SUGAR BOILING WATER USES 1. 2. 5.