36.This reminds me of the real world.
Answer: Text to world
37.This reminds me of my life.
Answer: Text to self
38.This reminds me of something I have read.
Answer: Text to text
39.This is similar to the text I have read.
Answer: Text to text
40.The text reminds me of what I've seen in the news.
Answer: Text to text
41.The news report led me to recall the actual situation that our country is facing now.
Answer: Text to world
42. This incident reminds me of our happy days with our grandparents when they were still alive.
Answer: Text to self
43.The character in the story is similar to my experiences as a working student who was able to assist my parents in sending my other siblings to school until all of us became successful professionals.
Answer: Text to self
44. The video we watched is somewhat the same as what we studied yesterday in Mathematics.
Answer: Text to text
45. Text to Text
46. Text to World
47. Text to Self
48. Text to Self
49. Text to World
50. Text to text