Your city is experiencing water interruption from time to time, and to ease this crisis, the government plans to enter into a contract with a foreign company for the construction of Php 18.7-billion project called New Hope Dam. This dam will be located in one of the ancestral domain of Dumagats near your city, also, that land has rich biodiversity and because of this project, much of the ecosystem will potentially end up being endangered. What will be your stand about this ecological crisis? Will you pursue the construction of the dam to ease the water shortage in your city or will you respect the rights of the indigenous people over their ancestral land and consider the ecosystem that will be endangered? How will you reconcile development and taking care of the environment and people living in it? Follow this format in writing your position paper: TITLE: 1. II. Introduction (Identify the issue that will be discussed and state your position on that issue.) Body (Write your central argument. It can be further broken up into three unique sections: a) Background information; b) Evidence supporting your position; and c) A discussion of both sides of the issue, which addresses and refutes arguments that contradict your position Conclusion (Restate the key points and, where applicable, suggesting resolutions to the issue.) III.​