5 Different Options that are all correct. There are 2 apples on a plate on a table. Next to that plate is a bowl with 1 apple on that same table, that will provide a total of 1 apple each to the 3 people that are going to take from it.
Option 2: one person already has an apple.
Option 3: the 2 apples are picked up by 2 of the people. Each face each other in a triangular circle. The 2 apples are each independently passed to the person on their left. Thus, each person has had an apple. Consumption or how long the apple was with the person was not defined.
Option 4: the plate on the table was of the design, Apple. Thus, 2 had an apple, the fruit, and one had an Apple designer plate.
Option 4: 2 apples were on a plate, which were on a misspelled Apple table. (Tablet). Thus, each got an Apple.
Option 5: 2 people took one apple each. One turned to the other and said, “You’re out of luck.