
Basie Economie Problems of Society Most Essential Learning Competency: Examine the utility and application of applied economics to solve economic issues and problems. K to 12 BEC CG: ABM_AE12-lad-3 Directions: In the given explanations above on the basic economic problems of society, Give two (2) examples and explain cach basic economic problem. Use the space provided in the activity Example: 1. What to produce and how much-Face mask- to all people-During this pandemic one of the new normal requirements is wearing a mask so the producer of these goods will be high in demand during economic problem (pandemic) and all people need this product. 2. How to produce in producing face mask the producer need to consider the raw materials (Colton Weave Fabric, Sewing Thread, and Ribbons) in making the product and what method and technology (Sewing Machines and Sewing Kits) to use to supply the needs of the society during a pandemic. 3. From whom to produce-since the face mask is a requirement in the new normal, all people need the face mask. What to produce: 1. 2.​