SHISHA64IN SHISHA64IN Health Answered Learning task 4: complete the sentence with the correct word from the box below. Write the answer in your notebook.1. We buy over-the-counter and prescription drugs or medicine for our wellness or treatment of diseases in the __________.2. There are designeted areas for the _________ to give emergency care or treatment to people before medical aid can be given.3. Pregnancy, childbirth and after of women are taken cared of by the __________ in the community.4. People who have illnesses or diseases are being evaluated or treated by an _________.5. Eye problems or diseases are being evaluated or teated by an ________.6. The specialist in heart diseases is called a _______.7. The _______ performs surgical operation to patients.8. The specialist is muscular disorder is called a _______.9. Pediatrican is a specialist in the health and diseases of ________.10. A community health resource that specializes on skin problems and diseases is called a _______.Choices:first aid stations pharmacyophthalmologist midwifechildren dermatologisthospital physical therapistcardiologist surgeonplease answer right:))