
|.matching type
direction:match the following hand tools found I. column l with the corresponding description found in column ll write the capital letter of your answer on the space provided.



2.poorly-defined steps

3.weak links




7.valuea-added steps

8.connertor symbol

9.document symbol

10.star/end symbol


12.decision symbol

13.computer algorithm


15.input/output symbol


A. a point of congestion in a production system.

B. also referred to as data symbol

C.also known as terminator symbol

D.steps that occur when things go wrong in a process

E.the process of identifying and removing errors

F.it represents a printout

G.process of diagnosing a problem

H. a well-defined procedure that allows computer to solve a problem

l.it connects separate elements across
one page of the process

J. points in the process that slows down caused by certain factors

K. it indicates a question to be answered

L.steps taken in the process when everything goes right.

M.steps that are not defined well

N. a design plan or pattern

O. a diagram that represents a process

(answer asap:) )

Sagot :


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