
situation what can go wrong prevention
homeroom guidance
actions and their consequnces​

Sagot :


idont understand po,can you post the picture po


1. SITUATION - When you meet your used to be friend along with her new friends.

WHAT CAN GO WRONG - She will be angry and prolly give you a death stare. She will probably talk bad about you to her friends.

PREVENTION - Try to just ignore them and don't ever give a care. Pretend that you're not listening and didn't see them and just walk away.

2. SITUATION - When you didn't do your chores and your mother saw and found out.

WHAT CAN GO WRONG - She will scold you and tell you to do it at once and prolly give you some more chores as punishment.

PREVENTION - Do your chores in time, so that your momma won't get mad at you.

3. SITUATION - When your sister asks you to get something, even though she's closer to the thing that she wanted me to get.

WHAT CAN GO WRONG - She will keep on telling me if I won't do it and probably stay some mean or bad things and will get angry at me.

PREVENTION - Do what she says or just say that you are doing something important and she should go get it herself.

In Studier: Other Questions