1. It means how well your body functions. It includes being physically fit, eating nutritious food, and getting adequate rest and sleep 2. It refers to the ability of an individual to think and improve his skills in life. A mentally healthy person is open to new ideas about life, family, and environment 3. It is the ability to accept failures, adapt with the environment and consider the feeling of others. It refers to how well one meets the demands of daily life and how well she or he adjusts to a new situation. 4. It refers to how well a person builds relationship and interacts with the people in the community. It also relates to one's ability to adapt comfortably to different social situations and react appropriately in relation to those. 5. It refers to one's faith, belief and values, and purposes in life. 6. It is the ability of the person to recognize the impact of environmental hazards to life and to find ways how to protect oneself and the ecological systems from these hazards 7. Creating positive relation with others 8. Recognize the impact of environmental and man-made hazard 9. Acknowledging the importance of being physically active 10. Finding our purpose in life