Independent Activity1 Which one? Directions: Read and analyze the sentences below. Then, underline the phrase in each sentence. 1. I ate cereal with milk on it during breakfast. 2. He left early in the morning to fix his car, 3. A crowd gathered at the barangay hall for a meeting. 4. My mother mixed all the ingredients and put them into the oven while waiting for her husband to arrive. 5. The magazine on that chair has an article about Covid 19. 6. A new railroad is under construction so you have to swerve in another way, 7. Please sit down for a while to talk about the solution for the problem. 8. He could have taken his medicine before his doctor arrives. 9. Rico started playing basketball at the age of ten and now at present he belongs to the famous team. 10. Our house is far from the school so I need to wake up early please guys paki sago ito. Happy HALLOWEEN