Title of the movie: Life of Pi
Author of the Novel: Yann Martel
Director of the movie: Ang Lee
Date the Movie was released: January 9, 2013
Genre: Philosophical fiction
Setting: Pondicherry
Characters: Piscine Molitor Patel (Pi), Richard Parker, The Author, Francis Adirubasamy, Ravi (Pi's older brother), Santosh Patel, (Pi’s father), Gita Patel (Pi’s mother), Satish Kumar(Pi’s biology teacher), Father Martin (The Catholic priest), etc.
Names of actors/actress: Suraj Sharma, Irrfan Khan, Rafe Spall, Tabu, Adil Hussain, and Gérard Depardieu.
Point of view: The prefatory Author’s Note is written in first person by the author, who explains how he came to hear the story we are about to read from Pi Patel himself. The account (Part One and Part Two) is told in first person by Pi. The final section of the book (Part Three) is written mainly as a transcript of a conversation between Pi and two officials, bookended by first-person comments from the author.
Conflict: the major conflict is related to Pi's fight for survival after he is stranded at sea when the ship that he and his family are traveling to Canada on sinks. To resolve this conflict, he has to face both internal and external challenges.
Theme: The power of life's force, spirituality and religion, self-perception