RYADENKUNIN RYADENKUNIN Science Answered 1. You want to find out which is more dense- milk or water. Thisquestion represents. a. conclusion of the experimentb. an observation of the experimentc. a problem of the experimentd. a variable of the experiment2. An orderly, systematic approach to problem solvinga. experimentb. scientific methodc. conclusion d. theory3. What part of scientific method tell us the real answer to the problem?a. Experimenting b. Hypothesisc. Conclusion.d. Analysis4. When a medical technologist perform such test as blood tests, urinalysis, fecalysis and x rays, he is performing a/ an:a. Gathering datab. Hypothesis c. Conclusiond. Problem5. Which of the following is the correct step of scientific method? a. Problem, gathering data, hypothesis, experimentation, analysis, andconclusionb. Hypothesis, experimentation, Problem, gathering data, analysis,and conclusionconclusionconclusionc. Gathering data, hypothesis, experimentation, analysis, and d. Problem, gathering data, hypothesis, experimentation and