
Read the quote and answer the questions below: “It takes much more effort to win a

new customer than to maintain a relationship with an existing one.”1

 Why do you think good customer service may be that important for a business?​

Sagot :


its better to take much more effort to win a costumer cause costumer is important in business if you don't have a costumer then you will lose your business but if you win a costumer then they like your business they WILL BACK.Than if we're in a relationship that was happy at first and leave you later and NEVER COMEBACK


A good customer service is very important for a business, because success and growth of a business depends on the customer. When the customers are contented with the service, they keep being being loyal, they spend money on the business by means of buying the products or services offered. Customers generate positive word-of-mouth about your business and if other people will hear and know these positive feedbacks they will become the new customers.
