Characteristics of Healthy Relationship
1. Mutual respect
- It means that each person values who the other is and understands the other person's boundaries.
2. Honesty
- It builds trust and strengthens the relationship.
3. Good communication
- Each partner should speak honestly and openly to avoid miscommunication.
Ways to avoid Unhealthy Relationship
1. Set an expectation of mutual respect.
- A partner who truly cares about you is a boost to your self-esteem. He or she values you, gives you compliments, and encourages you to do things that are in your best interest.
2. Compatibility
- Is about sharing common values and goals, having fun together, and liking each other: it helps to sustain a couple through tough times.
3. Don’t settle for less than you deserve.
-When you compromise too many of the values that are important to you, these relationships usually fail. Focus on your deal breakers and pick a partner who is someone who you can share a life with and deepen your love with over time.