Pasagot naman po ng tama plss need kopo yung sagot ngayon

H-ave you ever heard of pollution?
E-versince then, it’s being mentioned.
A-ir that is mixed with gases and chemicals,
L-and not being used for agricultural.
T-oxic sources of water everywhere,
H-ow come we still don’t care?
Y-ou are responsible and accountable,
E-very problem is solvable.
N-ow is the time to help nature,
V-alue its essentials and nurture.
I-t’s time to stop using plastics,
R-educing waste and recycling must be practiced.
O-nly use what is needed,
N-ever abuse nature, Mother has pleaded.
M-ake sure to plant trees and save energy,
E-njoy every benefit wisely.
N-urtire a green future.
T-o preserve mother nature's gift to us all.