
2. The mass of an electron is 9.11 x 10-28 gram. Find the mass of 3 200 000 electrons. ​

Sagot :


The mass of an electron is 9.11 x 10 to the -28 gram. how many electrons would weigh in one gram?

The secret to all problems of this type is to multiply by 1. Here’s what I mean. They tell you that the mass of an electron is 9.11 x10^-28 g. That means that 1 electron is equivalent to 9.11x10^-28 g.

1 electron = 9.11 x10^-28 g or

9.11 x10^-28 g / 1 electron = 1 or

1 electron/9.11x10^-28 g = 1.

So they give you an amount of stuff, 1 gram. You want to multiply that by 1, that is, by a fraction that equals 1. If you use the first fraction I wrote equal to 1, you will end up with grams squared/electron, so that doesn’t help. If you use the second fraction, however, then 1 g x 1 electron/9.11x10^-28 g will have the grams cancel top and bottom, leaving you with units of “electrons,” which is what you want.

This is a general technique that will help you with many, many problems.

You have the answer and you don’t even know it. Just take the inverse of what one electron weights in grams (9.11E-28) to get the number of electrons in one gram. You should get an astonishing large number (1.10E+27). Just in case you do not recognize the notation it is scientific notation as a calculator would write it.

As an interesting side note the number of electrons needed to complete one gram of matter is only one order of 10 off from Professor David Kornreich’s very rough estimate of a 100 octillion stars in the entire universe. That is a "1" followed by 29 zeros. In calculator scientif

1 electron weighs 9.11 x 10^-28 gm. , i.e

1/(9.11x10−28)=1.1x1027electrons weigh (9.11x10−28)gm/(9.11x10−28)=1gm.

Thus, 1.1 x 10^27 electrons would weigh 1 gram.

How do we convert the mass of an electron of 9.11*10^-31 kg into grams, milligrams, centigrams, or micrograms?

The mass of the electron is 9.11×10 to the power -28 g. How many electrons would make 1 kg?

A proton mass is estimated to be 1.6726 x 10^-24 g, and the mass of an electron is estimated to be 9.1093 x 10^-28 g. How many times larger is the mass of a proton compared to the mass of an electron?

think of a simpler Q. a pea weighs 1/10 of a gram ( maybe , who cares, this is a math example)

how many peas weighs one gram?

N peas * 1/10 gm/pea = 1 Gram, notice the units are peas * gm/pea = gram


we want N peas on one side: and peas on the other.

since gm/pea * pea /gram = 1 with no units

N peas * o.1 gm/pea * {1 pea/0.1 gm} = 1 gm * {1 pea/ 0.1 gm} = 1 pea/0.1gm

N peas = 1 / 0.1 *pea, notice the gm canceled out on the right, and the stuff in the {..} came from my “magic, it seems like a good thing to do, box of ideas and experience”

the “*pea” applies to the whole ( 1/0.1) so it stays as “ pea”

How do we convert the mass of an electron of 9.11*10^-31 kg into grams, milligrams, centigrams, or micrograms?

Okay, dood, lemme be honest: if you can’t even do these basic forms of calculations, you’re pretty much screwed. And you’re being lazy.

It’s called dimensional analysis and your first introduction to it should have been introduction to chemistry, NOT physics. They don’t have time to teach you that stuff what with all the forces flying around—we gots bettah things to doos.

That being said, here’s where you can start and the steps you must absolutely begin with.

There are two tables you need to learn.

Base SI units.

Prefixes used with said SI units.

Length: metre (m)

Mass: kilogram (kg)

Time: second (s)

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The mass of the electron is 9.11×10 to the power -28 g. How many electrons would make 1 kg?

Given the premises, which I have not checked then simply divide it by 1000:

1000 grams/(9.11x10^-28)grams - Wolfram|Alpha Results

Yet another example of a non-Quora question.… Read More

A proton mass is estimated to be 1.6726 x 10^-24 g, and the mass of an electron is estimated to be 9.1093 x 10^-28 g. How many times larger is the mass of a proton compared to the mass of an electron?

A proton has a mass of 1.6726 x 10^-24 g corresponds to 1.0072766 AMU*

[*AMU, Atomic Mass Unit is used to express atomic and molecular weights, equal to one twelfth of the mass of an atom of carbon-12].

Whereas, that of an Electron is 9.1093 x 10^-28 equalling to 0.000548597 AMU.

Electron to Proton Ratio = 1: (0.000548597 / 1.0072766 = 1836.096

Proton is 1836.096 times heavier than an electron.

Proton Mass = 938.2720813 MeV/c2 (MeV= Mega Electron Volt)

(As per Mass - energy equivalence principle, energy is proportional to mass whereby, the electronvolt is also a unit of Mass. Energy can be converted… Read More

If the mass of an electron is 9.11*10^(-31) kg, how many electrons would weigh 1kg?

If 1 electronkilogram=9.11∗10−31,

then 1 kilogramelectron=19.11∗10−31.

In other words, to make a kilogram, you’d need 1.098∗1030 electrons.

What is the mass of one electron in grams?

that well make about: 4.5 78 Electrons