1. How much work does he do in pulling the luggage?
A. 80 J
B. 100 J
C. 80 N
D. 100 N
2. What is the weight of the luggage?
A. 92 N
B. 94 N
C. 96 N
D. 98 N
3. How much work does he do in lifting the luggage?
A. 14.7 J
B. 1.47 J
C. 0.147 J
D. 147 J
4. How much work does he do in carrying the luggage?
A. no work done
B.10 J
C. 100 J
D. 250 J
5. Which of the 3 situation has the highest amount of work done?
A. lifting the luggage
C. pulling the luggage
B. carrying the luggage
D. A and B