Pre-Assessment: Read the questions very carefully. Choose the letter of the best answer. Write it on your quiz notebook. 1. It is used to till the large area of farm land. d. shovel c. harrow b. plow a. Tractor
2. It is used to pulverize the soil. d. shovel b. plow c. harrow a. Tractor
3. Which of the following farm task being performed in preparing orchard planting a. Digging holes using hole digger b. Clearing the land using grab hoe c. Harrowing using hand tractor d. Lend preparation using tractor
4. Which of the following PPE's protects the head from any injury b. goggles a. Helmet d. boots c. gloves
5. It is used to protect the hands from any cuts, scrapes, bruises or chemical contact. a. Boots b. goggles c. face shield d. gloves 6. It protects the foot from wounds, cuts and other injuries, Gloves b. boots c. face shield d. goggles
7. It prevents the wearer from inhaling any type of particular matters. a. goggles b. earmuffs c. boots d respirator 8. The following are the example of chemical hazard except. a. Pesticides b. herbicides c. insecticides d. viruses 9. Which of the following examples belong to mechanical and electrical hazard. a. Electricity b, bacteria d floor 10 Bacteria, viruses, molds, mildew are examples of what? a. Physical hazard b. chemical hazard c. biological d. ergonomic 11. An implement attached to a four wheel tractor used to pulverize the soil. a. Native harrow b. disc harrow c. bamboo harrow d. wooden harrow 12 It is used to tilt the land. a Garden hoe b. shovel c. harrow d. plow 13. One of the most laborious activity performed during crop farming a. Land preparation b. planting c. harvesting d hauling 14. What implement drawn by domesticated farm animals to tilt the land. a. Harrow b. plow c. disc harrow 15. Which of the following type of plow being pulled by a four-wheel tractor d. disc plow a Native plow b. disc plow e. wooden plow d. pone of these c. fire