
minutes. A wonders of adding salt to water will affect how long it takes the water to freeze. Al thinks thot salt aeter will freeze more quickly than fresh water. He decides to check his pothes by conducting an experiment. Al takes two ice trays and fills one with distilled water and the other with distilled water that has two tablespoons of salt added. He makes sure he puts exactly the same amount of water in each ice tray. Al takes the trays and puts them side by side in the freezer. Al checks the ice trays every 10 minutes to see if the wuter in each tray has begun to freeze. Al finds that after 20 minutes the water in the ice tray without the salt has started to for ice, while the ice tray with the salt water is still completely liquid
1. What was the problem?
2.What was the hypothesis?
3.How was the hypothesis tested?
4.Based on the result,should the hypothesis be accepted or rejected?