
Below are ideas or events during the ja pa ne se and Postwar and Contemporary periods. Write TR UE if the statement contains fa cts and FA L SE if it contains an er ror
___ 1. The Ja pa ne se pe rio d is characterized by strict censorship to prevent the Filipina writers from expressing their voice
___2. Writers during the Ja pa ne se colonization turned to escapist literature to write against the Japanese regime.
___3. Liwayway Arceo used feminism in her works to raise the value of women above men in the society
___4. Many Filipino songs dealt with true-to-life themes during the Contemporary Period
___5. Literature Nourished during the Postwar period.
___6. The Contemporary period is the era of recovery after freedom was granted to the Filipino writers
___7. Postwar poetry and fiction was dominated by English writers who were educated and trained in U S or Eng land.​