
Complete each of the following sentences with a word or phrases that will make the sentence correct. Write the answers in your science notebook 1 is the ability to do work. 2. The energy stored in a stretched spring is 3. When a basketball and ping-pong ball are thrown with the same the kinetic energy of the basketball is the kinetic energy of the ping-pong ball. velocity, than is the amount of work done per unit time. ERS 5. is the rate of doing work. 6. is energy due to position while energy due to change in position. 7. is done only when force applied on the object causes the object to have displacement in the same direction as the direction of the force. 8. The si unit of power is J/s which is given a special name 9. is equal to power X time 10. Kilowatt-hour is a unit of 11. The SI unit of energy is the same as the unit of work which is 12. is the energy of an object due to its higher position in the gravitational field. energy and when 13. When work is done by an object, it work is done on an object it energy GEN​

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