
Activity 2: Choose at least three (3) questions below that you think is most relevant to you and write a reflection about it. Place your answers in the blank space in this booklet. 1. How happy am I at this time of my life? Why? 2. In which area of relationship (self, others, God, Life Situation) am I happiest? Least Happy? Why? 3. in which area of relationship (self, others, God, Life Situation) do I feel the need to grow? Why? 4. Am I satisfied with my present relationships at home? In school? In my community? Why or why not? 5. Am I satisfied with my present relationship with God? Why or why not? 6. Who are the people in my life who really know me (and not only knows things about me?) Is there anyone who I wish would really know me better? Why? What is the most important realization or insight from this lesson? Why? What is the most important discovery about myself? How does my discovery make me feel? Why?​

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