
elements found in the universal set, U, that are not found in set A.
* Diference of sets: The difference of two sets, written as A- B, is the set of all
clements of A that are not elements of B.
y this
Given: 0 - 1 a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, M-(a, b, c, d, e), Ni,, h, A - ac, e, n, 1,
Which elements match each set? Choose your answer from the box. Write the letter of
correct answer on the space provided.
A. { 1, B, li, is
1 AM
B. {i, g, h)
2. AM
C. a, b, c, d, e, h, i, j;
3. M
4. M - N
D. a, b, c, d, e
5. N-M
B р
E. (a, , e)
Introduction of the Topic​

Sagot :

Guide Question:
1. How do cleaning agents affects the health and wellness of a person especially
in this time of crisis?
2. How much is the price of an alcohol today?If a person hoards 5 bottles of
alcohol how much will be the total cost?