
Directions: Identify the following tools needed in each situation. Choose your answer from the pool of
words below.
1. Mika prepared tuna spaghetti for her family. She wants to add more cheese on it as toppings.
What will she use?
2. Hannah’s kitchen knives are not sharp anymore. What tool will she use to bring back its
3. Faith wants to transfer water from one container to other. The problem is the opening of one
container is smaller than the other. What tool will she use to transfer water without any spill?
4. In making graham cake, Shania should mix well the condensed milk and all-purpose cream.
What tools will she use to blend well the ingredients?
5. Ronjay is preparing the ingredients for the lomi to be cooked by her mother. He is looking for
the right tool to used in chopping the ingredients.
6. Christian wants to open the can of fruit cocktail for his fruit salad. What tool will he use?
7. Justine is having a hard time in scraping ingredients in the bowl. What tool will he use to
scrape ingredients easily?
8. To make the ground pork last longer, Kirk stew it first. Upon boiling, there are skim off fat on
top of the pot. What tool will he used to eliminate the fat from the stew?
9. Charmille is preparing the pasta for spaghetti. Where will she put the pasta after boiling to
eliminate the water from it?
10. What tool will Karylle used when she wants to flip burger patties that she is frying?

A. Colander G. Cutting board
B. Dredger H. Funnel
C. Grater I. Scrapper
D. Flipper J. Soup ladle
E. Can opener K. Emery board
F. Measuring cup L. Whisk