
TRUE or FALSE. Write TRUE if the statement is correct and FALSE if the statement is
1.) Human behavior is the result of the interaction of both biological and cultural
2.) Physical changes in the body of humans includes shape, size of body organs,
movement, and the development of the feet in a straight posture.
3.) Charles Darwin proved that the species develop and evolve in form through
natural selection.
4.) Evolutionary ladder illustrates that the African great apes are like the modern
5.) Artifacts and fossils are important sources of information about the human
6.) Social evolution refers to the changes or development in cultures from a simple
form to a more complex form of human culture.
7.) Hominids are divided into categories based on the age of artifacts and fossils
8.) Australopithecus are considered as the second stage of human evolution
together with Sahelanthropus and Ardipithecus.
9.) The 3.2 million years old Australopithecus afarensis fossil named "Lucy,"
discovered in Egypt in November 1974.
10.)Australopithecus disappeared in the evolutionary map million years ago and
was replaced by the Homo.
11.) Homo habilis was the direct ancestor of the modern human because of its
ability to produce tools.
12.) Homo erectus are considered as skillful carpenters.
13.) Anthropologists argued that it was the Homo sapiens who first develop and
use that skill because they have more developed brains and speech organs.
14.)Cro-Magnon fossils and artifacts were first found in Europe but is believed that
it first appeared in North America and later on travelled to Europe and Asia.
15.)The National Museum of the Philippines which is divided into three major
galleries: National Museum of Modern History, National Museum of
Anthropology, and National Museum of Music and Arts.​