Sagot :
Learners reference number is RATIO variable.
The difference between interval and ratio scales comes from their ability to dip below zero. INTERVAL SCALES hold no true zero and can represent values below zero. For example, you can measure temperature below 0 degrees Celsius, such as -10 degrees. RATIO variables, on the other hand, never fall below zero.
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Question: is learner reference number an interval or ratio?
Answer : Ratio
Question: Is student number and LRN the same?
The LRN or Learner Reference Number is a 12-digit number assigned by the Department of Education to each student as he goes through the basic education program. It is kept by the student even if he transfers to another school. The LRN can usually be found on the top portion of a student's report card or Form 138.
Example of
What is the Learner Reference Number (LRN)?
A unique and permanent 12 digit number assigned to anyone enrolled into the Philippine Basic Education system.
The Philippines national student identification number.
This applies regardless of the learner’s transfer to another school or learning center in the public or private sector, and promotion/moving up to the secondary level.
A learner has two or more LRN, what should the school do?
An issue of multiple LRN happens when the school or other schools created another LRN of a single learner who already had an existing LRN with different data sets. The data of these two or more LRNs pertaining to a single learner should be merged into one.
To resolve this, the school should fill out RF01 or Request Form 01 -Template for Reporting Multiple LRN. A birth certificate and Form 137/138 are also required if there are any discrepancies in data like birthdate, name, previous school enrolment., etc.
Send the RF01 to respective Division/Region. “School must submit the issues to the Division Office. Regional Office to filter, consolidate, endorse and encode issues in the online form.”
In case of multiple LRN, what LRN should prevail?
The oldest created LRN would prevail. The system can detect which LRN was created first.
A learner is a transferee from private school but still have unsettled account.
Can the private schools decline the transfer out request in LIS?
The private school should still confirm the transfer out request in LIS from the receiving school and thick the checkbox With Unsettled Account. This way, the private school can still track the learner in another school without hindering enrolment.
What is the age cut-off date for accepting Kindergarten enrollees?
For public schools, the learner must be 5 years old on or before August 31, 2019.
For private schools, the learner must be 5 years old on or before October 31, 2019. (As per DO 20, s 2018)
A learner’s LRN was found to be deactivated
(was probably disapproved by the DPO). Upon compliance of the requirements and enrolment, should the school create for another LRN for the said learner?
No, the school should request for the reactivation of the LRN by filling out RF 02 – Request Form 02 Template for Enrolment with Data Issues.
“School must submit the issues to the Division Office. Regional Office to filter, consolidate, endorse and encode issues in the online form.”
For LRN and enrolment, whose responsibility it is to deal with the LIS issues concerning the learner? Is it the parents or the school?
It is the school’s responsibility to resolve or escalate any LIS issues concerning a learner.
How to escalate LIS-BEIS Issue to the national ICTS-USD Helpdesk for data corrections and other technical concerns?
School must escalate the issue first to their respective Division. Divisions or Regions can log the issue to the ICTS-USD Ticketing System thru an online form accessible only to the Planning Officers. A system generated ticket number will be issued to the email provided.
What is the Learner Information System (LIS)?
The Learner Information System (LIS) IS an online facility that provides for the registration of learners enrolled in schools run or licensed by the Department of Education (DepEd) in the Philippines.
It is the national registry of all learners in Basic Education.
Learner Reference Number (LRN) Format for K-12 Learners and ALS