1. A measure of the amount of earth's shaking that happens at a given location is called A. Center B. Focus C. Intensity D. Magnitude 2. What magnitude of an earthquake is considered to be catastrophic? A. 6 B. 8 C. 10 D. 12 3. What is the scale that measures the magnitude of an earthquake. A Mercalli B. Modified C. Richter D. Seismo 4. What do you call a measure of the size of the seismic waves or the amount of energy released at the source of an earthquake? C. Intensity A Center B. Focus D. Magnitude 5. A scale that is used to measure the intensity of an earthquake is A Mercalli B. Modified C. Richter D. Seismo 6. If you experience an earthquake, you must do the following, EXCEPT: A. Be calm B. Drop, cover and hold C. Proceed in an open area D. Stay close to power lines 7. What intensity of an earthquake that destroy bridges and railways? A. 7 B. 9 C. 10 D. 11