
LET'S EXPLORE - TESTING SOLUBILITY Science Skill: Measuring, Inferring Time Frame: 15 to 20 minutes You Will Need: sugar water • cooking oil rubbing alcohol 3 transparent glasses popsicle stick What to Do: Note: Rubbing alcohol is dangerous to the eyes. Wear safety goggles while doing the activity. 1. Pour 1/2 cup of water, rubbing alcohol, and oil in three separate transparent glasses. 2. Add 1 teaspoon of sugar in each glass. 3. Stir the mixtures using a clean popsicle stick. Observe the mixture in each glass. 4. Once the sugar is dissolved, add another teaspoon of sugar in three glasses and stir it. Observe again the mixture. Answer the following questions: 1. In which set-up did the sugar dissolve fastest? the slowest? 2. What did you find out about solubility from this activity? 1​