
ACTIVITY: Proverbs
Is there a proverb or saying that you live by? How does it influence your life? Read the
proverbs below.

Word Chest
Look for the meaning of the following words:
• dire
• tempest
• odorous
• fleets
• squinch

1. Whoever gives alms to the poor earns the key to heaven's door.

2. Grass is useless to a lifeless horse.

3. One will never get anywhere if he stands still.

4. Nothing destroys metal but its own rust.

5. Pain in the little finger makes the whole body suffer.

6. A person in dire need will not hesitate to take up the dagger.

7. What you sow is what you reap.

8. There is no happiness on earth not watered by tears.

9. The sins of a man though buried deep in earth force their way out in odorous fumes and reveal themselves.

10. Arch and squinch when the blanket is short; uncurl and straighten once it is longer.

11. Whoever sows wind reaps tempest.

12. Beauty fleets, goodness endures.

Comprehension Questions

1. What are the sensory images used in the selection? (Visual, Auditory, Olfactory. Gusta-
tory. Tactile, Motion)

2. Which of the twelve proverbs are similar in message? What message do they convey?

3. What warning or practical advice does this each of these proverbs 2, 4, 5, 7, 9, 11 and 12 give?

4. Which of these warnings or practical advice is most relevant and applicable to your life as a student? Explain your reasons.

5. What virtue or quality valued by the early Filipinos is implied by each of proverbs 1, 3,8
8 and 10?

6. What concern does proverb 6 express, and how real is that concern?

7. How valuable and timely is this concern to present-day Philippine society?

8. Write your own proverb about a virtue or quality that 21st-century students your age must possess.

9. Explain the message, advice, or warning that your proverb aims to convey.

10. The Philippines has largely been an agricultural country from many centuries ago until now. How has farming as a major aspect of Filipino life influenced the proverbs?

Sagot :

1.Auditory. In sonnet 307, what is the common between the persona and the one spoken to? What does the persona want from the letter?

2.I think, the common between the speaker and the persona. They were in love and inspire, maybe each of them has bountiful life, full of joy. And the poem itself is trying to influence how we show love to someone else. In line 3 and……..

3.The persona wishes to convey his message by wanting to keep each other in every single day, he/she misses. And they wish that they will be together, spending their time with each other. Because I can conclude that spending your time alone it seems so boring, like nobody talking with you, smile, make fun. To be in love with someone is a desire of the heart and it's a calling, but in our case as a teenager, it's not badto have special someone to make it inspire, while I am attaining.