1.This is the result of geological activity and earthquakes along plate boundaries. The exact patterns depend on whether the plates moves according to type of boundaries. 2.Plants and animal remains on different continents are similar to those on continents that
were once connected. When the continents split, different life forms developed 3.Materials in different continents were found to exist at the same period of time. Heat influence the movement plates, formed plates at oceanic ridges are warm than colder plates that sink at subduction zones. Some rocks are magnetized in the opposite orientation to the Earth's present-day magnetic field. The Earth's magnetic field had reversed its polarity in the past. These reversals have subsequently been shown to be non-periodic and the Earth's magnetic field reversal history is now well known for the past 175 million years. (TH. Torsvik, in Encyclopedia of Geology 2005)
CHOICES: •Fossil •Earthquakes and Volcanoes •Age, Heat & Magnetic Orientation