pinaka last nalang talaga

1. The characteristics of fruits that is being rate as in good condition, it should be fresh where in you can see the other layer of the fruit is healthy and not sag. Moreover, it weight of the fruit is heavy enough to categorize that is grow in a good condition. Lastly, if you open the fruit you can see that there is no signs of rotting and its very sweet of a kind.
2. There are many factors to considered in harvesting the fruits such as its color whether is ripe or not, the weight of the fruit if it is already on the standard condition. Lastly, whether it is organic or not, it is important that we consume fruit that is healthy to our body free from chemicals.
3. In storing fruits, the storage room should be well ventilated to provide a standard temperature for the fruits. As well as, it should be also dry and clean so that the fruits are well maintained.
4. One of the market demands that I could advise to fruit growers, is to know the seasonality of each fruit so that we can produce more fruits as well as mainting our profit to it. Lastly, we need to consider the quality on the post-harvest production of fruits since customers are has keen-eyed when it comes to the fruits or food we intake to our bodies.