DANIELLEGAMBOA1213IN DANIELLEGAMBOA1213IN Math Answered B. ENRICHMENT ACTIVITYMotivation: SECRET MESSAGE. Find the square roots and solve the secret message by putting the letter of the corresponding square root of the given number. 4 = _____ 16 = _____ 121 = _____ 4 = _____ 49 = _____ 64 = _____ 9 = _____ 81 = _____ 49 = _____ 81 = _____ 100 = ____ 25 = _____ 36 = _____ 169 = _____ 64 = _____ 144 = _____ 196 = _____ 225 = _____ 169 = _____ 256 = _____ 169 = _____ 25 = _____ 49 = _____ 144 = _____ 289 = _____ 196 = _____ 225 = _____ 400 = _____