
What's the one thing you would like to change about yourself?​

Sagot :


Ah well, this one is easy: What I want to change about myself, more than anything is my perception that I need to change!

Why? For me, this is a dangerous and self-defeating illusion. Each moment spent considering it is a moment not spent considering your life as it is, in the present moment. If you're not understanding and fully appreciating where you are right now, then what is the point of trying - or even wanting - to change? I find this illusion to be not just pointless but also quite harmful…that's why I want to change it ;-).

I might be willing to entertain this question more directly, but not before I've fully identified, clarified, accepted, and learned to love all of my strengths, weaknesses, traits, tendencies, and features as they already are.…which could take a long, long time. But, that's just me.