
the number
A Broken glass
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Which of the following materials are harmful at home, in school and in the community?
B. Empty plastic bottles C Old clothes
D. Leftover foods
2. In planting, we use chemical fertilizer to increase harvest. What is its harmful effect to the environment when it
is not properly used?
A It pollutes soil, water and air
C. It destroys the plants.
C. It gives abundant harvest
D. It gives more income to the farmer
3. What is the best thing to do to chemical substances that are left over from making products such as soap, detergent
hair spray and canned goods?
A. Bury into the soil
C. Leave it anywhere at home
B. Throw into the bodies of water D. Throw it into the waste bin.
4. From the group of materials listed below, which are used as personal body care products?
A. Soy sauce, fish sauce, vinegar C. Muriatic acid, zonrox, floor wax
B. Body soap, comb, toothbrush D. Paint, varnish, acetone
5. Which is applied to soil or land to make it fertile and help the plants grow?
A. Pesticides
B. Fungicides
C. Fertilizer D. Insecticides
6. Which of the materials below can still be useful at home, in school and in the community?
A. Fruit pcelings B. Expired medicine C. Shattered glass D. Busted liglut bulb
7. Pollution from used oil is a more serious problem. Which of the following is most likely affected on careless
handling, illegal disposal and dumping of used oils into waterways?
A Aquatic plants and animals
C. Birds flying around the sea
B. People crossing the sea
D. People watching the sea
8. Muriatic acid, zonrox, and chlorine are substances used as cleaner. When do these become harmful?
A. When it is used properly
C. When it is not used properly
B. When it is disposed properly D. When it is stored properly
9. Liquified Petroleumn Gas (LPG), dishwashing liquid, and stain remover are useful substances. Which of the
following will you do to prevent the harmful effects of it?
A. Store them anywhere. C. Store away from the reach children
B. Throw them anywhere D. Dispose them anywhere
10. Hazardous waste materials like used batteries, brake fluid, paint and gasoline can be toxic or harmful to living
things when not disposed properly. Which of the following should you do to minimize the amount of waste?
A. Properly maintain your charging system so the battery will last longer
B. Buy only as much paint or solvent as you need for a project.
C. Buy brake fluid in 8-ounce bottles instead of quarts to keep it from going bad
D. Dispose of a half-empty can of paint or solvent
11. Empty cans, bottles, old clothes and spoiled foods are example of waste materials. Your mother wld you to
segregate them. Which of the materials should be placed to a biodegradable waste bin?
A Empty cans
B. Old shoes C. Bottles
D. Spoiled foods
12. Some materials can cause hazard or damage to people and environment. All of these are examples of harmful
materials except one.
A. Battery
B. Paint
C. Varnish
D. Pet bottle
13. May useful household materials contain toxic chemicals. Which of the following groups contain harmful
A. Detergent, bleach, pesticides
B. Salt, vinegar, pepper
C. Vegetable oil, fish sauce, soy sauce
D. Flour, margarine, sugar
14. How will you describe the gases produced from burned plastics?
A beneficial B.non-toxic C. poisonous D. useful​