6. Electronic music refers to a style in which the piece sounds different at every performance because of the random techniques production, including the use of ring modulators or natural elements that become a part of the music.
7. Homophonic texture refers to music with two or more independent melodies sounding at the same time.
8. Electronic music is music that employs electronic musical instruments and electronic music technology in its production.
9. Expressionism infuse art music with folk elements did not end with the turn of century, though the 20th century nationalists made greater effort to use authentic folk idioms and avoid caricature.
10. Impressionism served as a medium for expressing strong emotions, such as anxiety, rage, and alienation.
11. Ternary form a three-part form featuring a return of the initial music after a contrasting section. 12. Classical Symphony is featuring a toccata-like rhythms and biting harmonic dissonance within a classical form and structure.
13. Harmony is often described in terms of its relative harshness.
14. In Nuages (Clouds), melody tend to be unclear or not completely developed while the harmony is unexpected and unresolved.
15. Sprechstimme is an unusual style of performance halfway between speaking and singing (speech voice).