1. Who works in the salon? 2. How did Sandra maintain her salon clean and safe? 3. What did she do to items that are difficult to clean? 4. How can tools and equipment be kept safe, clean, and functional?

1.hairdresser. someone whose job is to cut people's hair. The place they work in is called a hairdresser's.
2.Keep all containers labeled and covered.
Wash your own hands thoroughly before and after each treatment or spray your hands with antibacterial disinfectant.
Use clean and sterile towels for each client.
Implements and tools must be sterilized the following way:
Wash implements in hot soapy water.
4.Sterilizing metal implements. after each use in a hospital-grade disinfectant that is. ...
Disinfect foot basins. after each use with a bleach solution. ...
Use a boiling method of sterilization. ...
Store sterilized metal implements. ...
Inspect tools and equipment regularly.
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