
Discuss the Concept of European Civilization. N0 using G00GL3​

Sagot :


European Civilization I (1) is the first quarter of a two-quarter sequence that aims to give students a grounding in some of the social, political, cultural, and intellectual movements that have come to define European civilization. Because this tradition has been marked by diversity, conflict, and reciprocal influences outside of the confines of Europe, we will be asking ourselves throughout the semester what it means to speak of  European civilization. This question will be broached with reference to a number of different episodes in medieval and early modern history, including: the early medieval period, where we will examine the relationship between Christian and Pagan culture; the high medieval period, in whose diverse social, political, and emotional expressions we will attempt to discern a unity, commonly understood as Christendom; the Renaissance and the Age of Exploration, which forced a rethinking of the transcendental basis of the state; the Reformation, which broke up the age-old ecclesiastical unity of Europe; and finally the Age of Absolutism and its relationship to the Enlightenment.


You're lucky I just read a book about this, hope it helps✔