
2. Socio-cultural Approach
This is an approach to reading literature that
explores the social, cultural, and economic contexts
of a work when it was written and when it is set and
how those contexts inform the work's meaning.​

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The sociocultural context surrounding individuals has undergone many important changes over the recent decades and centuries. Lifespan psychological and life course sociological perspectives postulate that individual development is shaped by both ontogenetic and historical processes. Although cohort differences in cognitive performance are well documented, evidence for cohort differences in other psychological traits is beginning to accumulate. This chapter highlights the key issues in research on cohort differences in personality and is organized into four sections. It starts with a definition of cohort differences and some methodological considerations. Next, a selective overview is provided of historical changes in living circumstances that are relevant to personality development across the lifespan. This is followed by a selective review of research on cohort differences in a number of psychological traits that shows that personality development is indeed shaped by the historical context. Finally, this chapter is concluded with open questions and avenues for future research.

Culture-Bound Syndromes, Cultural Variations, and Psychopathology

Freddy A. Paniagua, in Handbook of Multicultural Mental Health (Second Edition), 2013

A Paranoid Personality Disorder

Behaviors influenced by sociocultural contexts or specific life circumstances may be erroneously labeled paranoid. For example, immigrants, political and economic refugees, and members of minority groups may show guarded or defensive behaviors either because of unfamiliarity with the language, rules, and regulations in the United States, or because of the perceived neglect or indifference of the majority society (APA, 2000, p. 692). Castillo (1997a) provided further illustration of this disorder in cultural terms in the case of men in Swat Pukhtun society (tribal people living in the mountains of northern Pakistan). All males in this society own guns and “they trust no one and are constantly vigilant in protecting their honor and their personal interests. Pukhtun men distrust the sexual loyalty of all women to the extent of keeping them confined in their homes as much as possible” (Castillo, 1997a, p. 99). As noted by Castillo (1997a), these behavioral patterns among Pukhtun men are examples of normative personality development in this society; these behavioral patterns are not examples of maladaptive beh