Sagot :
Vision, Mission, Philosophy, Goals, Quality Policy and Core Values
Mandates and Functions
As a state-funded higher education institution which aims to contribute in developing competent and high-level human resources, generating knowledge and technologies, and pursuant to RA 7932, ASSCAT shall:
“primarily provide higher professional, technical and special instructions for special purposes and to promote research and extension services, advanced studies and progressive leadership in agriculture, education, forestry, fishery, engineering, arts and sciences, and other fields as may be relevant.”
ASSCAT as the premier agro-industrial Higher Education Institution in Caraga Region capable of producing morally upright, competent and globally competitive human resource to effectively implement sustainable development.
ASSCAT shall primarily provide higher professional, technical instruction for special purposes and promote research and extension services, advanced studies and progressive leadership in agriculture, education, forestry, in-land fishery, engineering, arts and sciences and other relevant fields.
ASSCAT believes that the Higher Education should be anchored to the tenets of democracy; be guided by the continuing pursuit for relevance and excellence and; the mover and catalyst for development.
Develop and offer curricular programs that are relevant to the peculiar needs and urgencies of the region.
Generate develop and transfer appropriate technologies to address the needs of the agro-industrial sector in the service area.
Develop disciplined, responsible and well-trained students to become effective citizens in the community and ready to face the challenges in the highly competitive world of work.
Have a pool of service and person-oriented professional workforce who are educationally and technologically prepared and well equipped to effect desired and necessary changes to the service area and among the clientele.
Acquire state-of-the-art facilities and equipment to be attuned to the trend of the changing times.
Build, construct, improve and upgrade appropriate physical facilities in harmony with the ecosystem to attain harmony with the ecosystem to attain harmonious co-existence of man and nature.
Adopt and institutionalize efficient, effective and judicious utilization of resources to maximize, strengthen and sustain development and fiscal security and autonomy.
Expand networking and linkages locally, nationally and globally.
Quality Policy
Agusan del Sur State College of Agriculture and Technology’s Vision to be a premier agro-industrial Higher Education Institution in Caraga Region is fostered by the following principles:
Sustaining quality education experience and community engagement;
Encouraging optimum resource management;
Developing an environment that is conducive for intellectual and personal growth; and
Generating relevant knowledge through innovative thinking.
To continually improve our Quality Management System, we commit to comply with all applicable requirements and provide service excellence in our four-fold functions
Core Values
Spiritually Motivated,